5 Key Steps to Successfully Implementing Change in your Organization
You know what needs to be changed in your company. So why is there such a huge gap between knowing what should be done and actually getting it in place and working?
You know what needs to be changed in your company. So why is there such a huge gap between knowing what should be done and actually getting it in place and working?
The key to sustainable profit and results is a management team you can depend on, freeing you to spend more time on strategic initiatives and business improvement. Highly-effective leaders have figured out how to get the very best out of their people and it starts with 20 minutes a day. You know the potential for […]
What makes the best companies the best? Luck? Right time? Right place? Or is there more to it? The key to sustainable profit and results is a management team you can depend on freeing you to spend more time on strategic initiatives and business improvement. Imagine a company not constrained by your personal capacity. But […]
A systems approach to winning more work and increasing profits. What is the winner's curse? Whoever makes the biggest estimating mistake wins the job. First, the bad news: Successful companies rarely "buy work" through discounting. Profitability is not the reward for hard work, good intentions, or being a "good guy". Now, the good news: Profitability […]
Did you wake up one day and realize that your company had gotten far bigger than you ever imagined? There were more bills to pay, staff to keep busy and less time for you to spend on what you’d always done best – your trade. This evolution is the rule far more than the exception […]
How to Improve Business Decision Making Engineers are regularly tasked with solving complex engineering problems for their clients. Identifying different alternate routes or products, value engineering to optimize costs versus outcomes. But often times when it comes to making decisions about their own engineering firm, the approach is ad‐hoc at best, non‐existent at worse! Hence the need for the […]
Taking companies from where they are now, to where they want to be. The service sector represents 70% of the Canadian economy and our GDP is growing more slowly than almost any OECD nation. Is your company’s performance the very best it can be? Process benchmarking has a strong record of accomplishment. It identifies target […]
Unsure whether your marketing investment is contributing to the bottom line? Marketing has strategic and tactical elements, but often in the construction and property management industries, the task of marketing get relegated to the tactics - trade shows, websites, and brochure creation. Results become difficult to measure and companies are left wondering whether the line item […]
You've developed the best product on the market, yet no one cares. Meanwhile, your competitor's product is not as well made but their sales are through the roof. What gives? The difference between the two is simple -- in a world with millions of options and unlimited interruptions, the winner is the company that knows […]
We've had a great 5 years in Vancouver, and we want to thank the professional community for supporting our journey thus far. Be our guest for an evening of connections and merry-making! An invitation-only event, this is the perfect opportunity to re-connect with those people you've been meaning to call, and make some new connections while […]
Be ready. Get noticed. Grow your business. This workshop provides business owners with strategies for getting media attention and tips on how best to leverage it for business success. Find out: What makes news How to ‘create’ news when you need to How to prepare for your time in the spotlight How to integrate media […]