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We write actionable, relevant articles focused on the issues that small businesses face. Solve the problems you have right now.
We are so confident that our embedded approach will make a meaningful impact – whether that’s measured by more revenue, more profit, or simply more time to do what you want to do – that if you don’t think we delivered value, you don’t pay. We don’t charge for time. We charge for results.
A good plan today is better than a perfect one tomorrow.
Implementation is everything.
We are plain spoken with a splash of fun.
We openly share our ideas, time, and energy.
Even when it’s hard.
Misery is optional.
We are so confident that our embedded approach will make a meaningful impact – whether that’s measured by more revenue, more profit, or simply more time to do what you want to do – that if you don’t think we delivered value, you don’t pay. We don’t charge for time. We charge for results.
If your business has made it past seven figures and you’ve been around for a few years, that’s not just luck. You’ve got to be good at what you do. We work with companies like yours to add the foundational best practices that might’ve been missed while you were busy doing the actual work. If you’ve aced the school of hard knocks, we’ve got the practical tools and training to take your business to the next level.
A strategic plan outlines your vision and most important goals. But it doesn’t matter if it isn’t implemented. We help you both define and execute your strategy.
Our strategic planning program includes:
We take your strategic plan further by helping you implement the solutions needed to achieve your goals. We use proven tactics to ensure that change not only happens but also sticks.
Our consultants work shoulder-to-shoulder with your team to implement systems related to:
Great leaders and managers aren’t born. We make them.
With hundreds of graduates, word of mouth has spread about our unique approach to leadership development and management training. From CEOs to Site Supervisors, the feedback is consistent: the combination of workshops and one-on-one coaching make our training programs the most actionable, practical, and valuable on the market.
We offer public cohorts of Management Foundations and Advanced Management several times a year. Don’t miss out!
Get remarkably actionable insight right now.
The goal of any speaking engagement is to inspire the most grizzled veterans in the room with new insight they can immediately apply. Some say, “If I reached just one person with my message, it will have been worth it.” That’s ridiculous. EVERYONE needs to be reached. From one-hour keynotes to all-day workshops, Bellrock delivers the insights you need today for better results tomorrow.
Some of our popular topics include:
RAD Torque Systems is a leading Canadian manufacturer of pneumatic, battery-powered, and electronic pistol-grip torque wrenches. Since facilitating their strategic plans and implementing key systems, they’ve made significant improvements and moved into a new 60,000 sq. ft. facility. Sixteen of their staff also participated in our management training program, which helped to make the changes stick and embedded better leadership and management practices in their team.
Some small businesses have the time and resources to do it themselves. If that’s you, here’s everything you need to accelerate your business.
Dozens of actionable, relevant articles focused on the issues that small businesses face. Solve the problem you have right now.
our newsletters to learn tips and tricks on how to run your business and access other great resources.
Interviews with business owners and service providers about the most common challenges small businesses are facing.
We believe in being generous. Check out recommended tools, books, and white papers for when you need to dig a bit deeper.
We openly share our ideas, time, and energy. We regularly speak at, and publish content in, a variety of places.
We write actionable, relevant articles focused on the issues that small businesses face. Solve the problems you have right now.