Finally in person again. We missed you! Pull on some pants and join us for an evening of connections with our local professional community! To thank our professional community, we invite you to join us for a casual evening of connections and merrymaking! An invite-only event, this is the ideal opportunity to reconnect with folks […]
Is your team collaborating and performing to its full potential? What are high-performing teams doing to succeed in a modern workplace? How are Canadian businesses preparing for the future to […]
Do you really know what your business is worth? What do buyers or investors look for when considering a deal and how are the COVID years factored into the valuation? […]
What’s the matter with younger workers today? They’ll quit a good job just to go to another for an extra dollar an hour. They’re impatient to advance without first paying […]
The combination of Alberta’s highly competitive labour market and demographics leading to retirement have intersected to cause knowledge transfer to rise to the top of business owners’ list of concerns. […]
Are alternative financing options for growth, minority investors or MBO/ MBIs right for you? The pandemic has prompted a surge in non-traditional M&A deal structures, accelerated deals and rapid changes […]
Our speakers will provide an overview of the key areas you need to focus on when selling a business in order to avoid common pitfalls and ensure a successful outcome.
The talent attraction challenge most companies are facing is not an HR problem. There are good people out there. But either they aren't finding you, or you aren't standing out […]
What is the secret sauce that makes some teams so… exceptional? What do you need to know to harness a team that does remarkable work? Even Michael Jordan needed Scottie […]