On Thursday, November 17, Connections – the TELUS women’s network is hosting their second annual Speaker Series, where leaders share inspiring ideas with the intention of sparking meaningful conversations. This year’s event will feature a keynote presentation from Jason Macdonnell, Senior Vice-president, Customer Solutions Delivery, as well as a lively panel discussion with other industry […]
What is the winner's curse? Whoever makes the biggest estimating mistake wins the job. First, the bad news: Successful companies rarely "buy work" through discounting. Profitability is not the reward for hard work, good intentions, or being a "good guy". Now, the good news: Profitability is the reward for smart work. This means having good […]
Communication. It’s how deals get done, problems get solved, and relationships are formed. Customers want what they want, when they want, how they want and we know the way and the speed with which we communicate makes all the difference. It used to be you picked up a phone and gave them a call. Then […]