How to Improve Business Decision Making
Engineers are regularly tasked with solving complex engineering problems for their clients. Identifying different alternate routes or products, value engineering to optimize costs versus outcomes. But often times when it comes to making decisions about their own engineering firm, the approach is ad‐hoc at best, non‐existent at worse! Hence the need for the Business Case.
This session is geared toward providing a practical framework for business leaders to make informed decisions about business issues. Should we expand into a new territory or add a new service? What will be the upfront investment required to get this new opportunity off the ground and time before it pays the investment back versus taking those same funds and trying to capture more of our existing market with our existing services? How does risk and uncertainty play into each of these scenarios? Are there any deal‐breaker aspects that are required before even considering moving forward?
The seminar will look into each of the following key parts of the Business Case:
This seminar will walk through a practical example of how to apply the rigour of using a business case to improve management decision making. Participants will receive a template and training on where and how to use the tool to fully think through and assess opportunities leading to better decisions and action plans.
This talk is part of the professional development sessions at the 2014 APEGBC Annual Conference. Specific location within the conference and time will be announced closer to the date.