
AI Prompts Simplified: Essential Tips to Improve Your Work

Artificial Intelligence (AI) isn’t just for tech experts—it’s for anyone who wants to improve efficiency and make better decisions at work (or home!), even if they aren’t computer scientists. In fact, what is remarkable about AI is that there’s no need for computer language at all – it speaks human. Whether you’re an owner, manager, or individual contributor, AI can be a game-changer for how you solve problems in your business.

“But Didn’t You Watch Terminator?”: Common AI Fears

Before proselytizing about the benefits, let’s address some of the most common fears  rational people may have when it comes to implementing AI:

  • Computers will replace me: While some work is already being done more efficiently by AI, most of the current use cases are designed to assist humans, not replace them. Use it like a summer intern with the entire internet locked in their brain. Lots of data, but it needs you to make sense and contextualize it.
  • It’s all too technical (I don’t understand it): Have you tried it? Many AI tools are incredibly user-friendly and designed specifically for non-technical users. If you can type in your language, you can use AI tools.
  • They’re going to steal my confidential information:  This is a fair concern and one to take seriously. The simplest solution is to use a paid AI that is built into software that you already use, like Microsoft Copilot or Google Gemini, which can access your data but does not share the information or use it to train their AI. Alternatively, if you decide to use something like ChatGPT or Claude, be sure to remove any confidential data before inputting your request. Get the paid version and choose not to allow it to train the AI on your data in your preferences. Whatever app you use, make sure that it follows strict data protection regulations like GDPR, and that it has robust security protocols, such as encryption, to keep your data safe. Pro Tip! You can copy and paste any terms and conditions into an AI and ask it to reword in layperson’s terms and identify any security or privacy risks.
  • AI hallucinates, how can I trust it? Well, you can’t. But you also believed all the people who said that humans only use 10% of their brains. That’s why you should verify the responses you get. Include validation checks into your process such as requesting citations and doing spot checks against the outputs.
  • There is WAY too much to learn. Where do I start? Here! In this blog post, we’ll go through practical examples of what to use AI for and how to generate quality responses that are actually useful.

Two Prompt Frameworks to Get You Started

To get good outputs, you need good inputs. In AI, that means having effective prompts, or ways of asking for information, that get you the results that you want. The most common errors people make when prompting is lack of clarity, specificity, and context. While there are a multitude of ways to go about prompting, the following two prompts are a straightforward way to get started.

  • RTF (Role, Task, Format): This framework encourages you to specify the role the AI should take (e.g., expert, assistant), the task it needs to perform (e.g., summarizing, analyzing), and the format in which the output should be presented (e.g., bullet points, paragraphs, table).
    • Good for simple requests
  • CREATE (Character, Request, Examples, Adjustments and constraints, Types of output, Evaluation): This framework helps you outline the AI’s character (the role it plays), the specific request, examples to guide the AI, any constraints or special adjustments, the format of output required, and how you will evaluate the response.
    • Good for more complex requests that require a more detailed/ specific response.

And remember, if you don’t get the exact response you want on the first try, keep iterating. The AI will improve with each response as you improve the clarity, specificity, and context.

Putting AI to Work: Practical Examples

Automating Repetitive Tasks

One of AI’s biggest strengths is automating routine tasks, freeing you to focus on more important work.


  • Role: Assistant
  • Task: Automate email responses to common inquiries
  • Format: List of templated replies.

“You are my assistant. Generate templated email responses for common customer service inquiries like shipping delays, refund requests, and product info.”

Enhancing Decision-Making

AI can help you make smarter, data-driven decisions by asking it to analyze data or predict outcomes that help guide your leadership.


  • Character: Marketing Analyst
  • Request: Compare two ad campaigns
  • Examples: Past performance data
  • Adjustments & Constraints: Focus on Return on Investment (ROI)
  • Types of Output: Comparison table
  • Evaluation: Most cost-effective strategy.

“As a marketing analyst, compare two ad campaigns based on past data [provided in a document or copy and paste], focusing on ROI. Present findings in a table and recommend the most cost-effective strategy.”

Improving Team Management

You can use AI to improve team productivity by summarizing meeting notes into the key takeaways and action items.


  • Role: Project Manager
  • Task: Create a project status update
  • Format: Bullet points.

“You are a seasoned project manager. Using the attached meeting notes from our last project meeting, generate a project status update in bullet points, highlighting completed and upcoming tasks.”

Streamlining Communication

Communication can also be enhanced using AI tools. You can leverage the CREATE method here to write a draft of the next monthly team update.


  • Character: Internal Communications Manager
  • Request: Draft monthly team update
  • Examples: Last month’s update
  • Adjustments & Constraints: Highlight new projects
  • Types of Output: 200-word email
  • Evaluation: Clarity and engagement.

“As the internal communications manager, draft a 200-word team update for this month, focusing on upcoming projects [provide list/ description of projects] and following last month’s style [attach or copy and paste last month’s newsletter]. Focus on writing for clarity and engagement”


AI is a powerful tool that can transform the way you work, making your job easier and more enjoyable. By learning to create effective prompts, you can leverage AI to handle routine tasks, allowing you to focus on what truly matters—growing your business and enjoying your work.

Remember, the goal is not to replace you but to empower you to work more efficiently. Start experimenting with the prompt formulas outlined in this guide and discover how AI can become a valuable ally in your business.

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Bellrock offers business leaders a unique perspective on managing employee performance. Our purpose is to unleash potential, developing life-long relationships and raving fans. To talk about how AI can work for your organization, reach out – we’re here to help!

Written By:
Andrea Spiegel

Andrea Spiegel is a Management Consultant with Bellrock. Andrea has over 15 years of experience in operations leadership spanning multiple industries including entertainment, wellness, service, trades, and manufacturing. She excels at working with small- to medium-sized businesses to help them define long-term goals, identify gaps in current systems, and map out tangible strategies for sustainable growth.

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