The goal of any Bellrock speaking engagement is to inspire even the most grizzled veterans in the room with new insight that they can immediately apply. Our speaking engagements are not designed for passive absorption – we actively engage and entertain the audience because we believe the time participants invest in us needs to produce a return. Others say, “If I reached just one person with my message, it will have been worth it.” What a low bar! Everyone needs to be reached.
From one-hour keynotes to all-day workshops, Bellrock delivers the insights you need today for better results tomorrow. We tell the stories drawn from our decades of experience working with small businesses in every industry, from DNA manufacturers to funeral homes. While the problems these companies face are complex, the solutions and tools we present are practical, actionable, and designed to be used as soon as you return to the office.
Some speakers focus on the “what” of a topic. Our obsession with implementation leads us to focus on the “how”. We show you how to implement the insights, immediately, so the learning sticks.
“Mind. Blown. In the hour I spent with Bellrock I learned more about an effective sales process than all of the business books I’ve read in the last 10 years. No kidding. Bellrock is highly effective, will provide clear, actionable insight, and know how to make it all work for you.”
Bellrock offers a variety of seminars and workshops for clients in all industries. We focus on delivering practical content with remarkable insights that you can take back to the office and apply immediately.
In the 60-minute workshop “Influence: The Science of Persuasion,” based on Dr. Robert Cialdini’s groundbreaking work, audience members will explore the psychology behind why people say “yes” and how to apply these principles in everyday interactions and business settings. Cialdini’s seven principles of persuasion – Reciprocity, Commitment, Social Proof, Unity, Authority, Liking, and Scarcity – are broken down into practical, actionable insights. By understanding these key triggers, anyone can enhance their ability to persuade and influence others ethically.
Key Takeaways:
Entire sections of book stores are dedicated to strategic planning. This presentation provides an overview of strategic planning methodologies and which are appropriate for which stage of business. We will provide an overview of an ideal strategic planning process for a mature medium-sized business, and explore some methods for implementing that plan and ensuring it sticks.
How do some people seem to get so much more accomplished? What do you tell staff when they say they don’t have enough time? How do you prioritize what’s important and make time to get to it? If you could answer these questions you could change the world! Too bad there’s no time to think on them until you wake up at 3 AM for a quick worry…before you dismiss them so you can “keep calm and carry on” with the busy work of life.
It’s never that people don’t want to solve their time management problems. It’s always that they don’t know how. This workshop digs into the practical, proven tools that thousands have used to determine their priorities and then manage their time around them.
Key Takeaways:
Did you wake up one day and realize your company had gotten far bigger than you ever imagined? More bills to pay, more staff to keep busy, and less time for you to spend on what you’ve always done best – your trade. This evolution is common as many business owners get propelled into managing a workforce rather than working alongside them as their business grows.
The President’s Job Description is intended for leaders who seek to clarify that being bigger does not equal just doing more, but doing things differently. Leading a team of managers and growing a business is a very different job than managing a project or finding the next client. Few presidents learn how to capitalize on these differences other than through trial-and-error, often resulting in some expensive learning! This workshop focuses on determining what the key priorities are for leadership as well as developing a plan to get these in place.
Key Takeaways:
Is your company’s performance the very best it can be? Most business owners have the bulk of their net worth tied up in their business. Unlike portfolio performance in the public markets, however, they have no real way to measure how they’re doing against how they should be doing.
Process benchmarking has a strong record of accomplishment in this area. It identifies target areas to improve and assists business owners to prioritize by developing an implementable plan. This workshop will explore why process benchmarking gets results. It identifies the companies poised to gain the highest return from benchmarking analysis, and also why it does not work in some environments. Participants will be exposed to the proven methodology Bellrock uses to uncover opportunities for improvement and how it develops implementable strategies to capitalize on them.
Key Takeaways:
What makes the best companies the best? The key to sustainable profit and results is a management team you can depend on, freeing you to focus on strategic initiatives and business improvement. Imagine a company not constrained by your capacity. But how?
Great leaders create highly effective management teams. They figure out how to get the very best out of their people. They take the right people, amplify their strengths, and let them loose to do their thing. When you can rely on your management team to manage daily operations, possibilities multiply. Suddenly, more time can be spent on a new service line; meeting with important prospects; even taking that 3-week vacation you’ve dreamed of – without your phone.
You’re good at what you do – maybe even great. Yet you know you can get better results. If you’ve ever said any of the following, then this seminar is for you: “If I’ve told them once, I’ve told them a thousand times…”, “The only way to get something done right is to do it myself…”, or, “Why doesn’t anyone focus on making this business thrive?”
Key Takeaways:
What is the winner’s curse? Whoever makes the biggest estimating mistake wins the job. First, the bad news: Successful companies rarely “buy work” through discounting. Profitability is not the reward for hard work, good intentions, or being a “good guy”. Now, the good news: Profitability is the reward for smart work. This means having good systems in place.
Trying to minimize costs is always a goal when tendering contracts. And too often, contractors focus solely on price, adopting strategies and pricing that can kill the rewards of winning the contract. These tactics can go so far as to threaten the company’s financial health.
This seminar focuses on how to be a smarter competitor in bidding situations and then on alternative strategies that will shelter you and your company from the price game, if not remove you from it all together. Learn a systems approach to winning more work and increasing profits.
Key Takeaways:
What’s the matter with younger workers today? They’ll quit a good job just to go to another for an extra dollar an hour. They’re impatient to advance without first paying their dues, or gaining enough experience.
Many see business as facing a crisis of “entitlement” where younger workers are concerned. So how do you keep them committed and on the job? How do you train someone who thinks she knows it all already? And why bother if she’ll just take it elsewhere? The answer rests not with them, but with you, their leader.
Attracting, engaging, and retaining young workers is essential for every firm. This timely, insightful session explores first how, and why, this next generation of workers are different. Then, using best practices, we give practical advice to show how you can take action today and transform your own, and your team’s leadership style to attract, retain, and manage these essential, next-generation workers.
Key Takeaways:
We openly share our ideas, time, and energy. We regularly run our own seminars and workshops and also present at various associations and tradeshows. Take a look at our upcoming events.
From one-hour keynotes to all-day workshops, Bellrock delivers the insights you need today for better results tomorrow. Contact us to book your own private seminar or workshop.